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Who we are

Cannabis alone for its medicinal value's is outstanding & the purpose of our group is to ensure a fair approach to the reform of silly laws made by people who actually have no clue about Cannabis & seem to miss the big picture.






Our new Advocate's & Partners
Gregor Haze Managing Director


Our Work

We work together to make our (Legal Marijuana Advocacy) cause known, to reach out to other like-minded groups who share our vision. Whether you’re ready to lend a hand at one of our activities or have photos or articles to share about a recent Legal Marijuana Advocacy event's, here’s the place to do it.

Director of operations,  Forseti Tesla deals with all emails, messages & inquiries.


Vice Chairman of Echelon Dynamics 727 Ivan White, Chief Science Officer at Earth Science Institute World  Geology Department. 

Learn about the movement towards the collapse of Cannabis prohibition and what you can do to help bring the walls down. What will you do?

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